Evie wanted me to take a picture of her eyes so she could "see exactly what color they are." She determined that they are a bluish-greenish-grayish. She also noticed that the left one is darker and has a brown streak at the bottom. It was a very revealing photo shoot.
Then Charlotte wanted me to take a picture of her eyes so she could "see the color!". Princess blue, obviously.
Then Evie wanted a picture peeking through her yellow tutu.
And then (shock!) Charlotte wanted a picture with her yellow tutu.
Evie, ever the proverbial oldest child, loves having a little shadow... as long as that shadow follows her rules.
Gorgeous eyes, beautiful girls:)
You should check out an iridology book-information about the eyes.
Very interesting. Such a sweet "Teddy" you have. I am so glad that Mom and Scott were able to be there.
I miss seeing those eyes. Your girls are beautiful! Miss you!
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